We provide a 24/7 service for every offshore and marine operation. Our expertise makes our customers' lives at sea more convenient.

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24/7 Chandler office

Ship Supply Store is a one stop shop where you can buy everything you need before you set sail!

A ship chandler is a business that provides services and supplies to ship crews, ship owners, and ship brokers. These professionals specialize in sourcing products and services that are needed for ships to operate safely, efficiently, and effectively at sea. Typical ship chandlers offer a range of services such as logistical support, maintenance planning, paperwork processing, equipment installation and repair, ship navigation support, catering guidance and management, weather forecasting, maritime insurance coordination, and supply chain management. They also provide a wide variety of products including everything from food items to cleaning supplies to tools and spare parts. Whether working directly with ship crews or with ship sellers and buyers, a skilled ship chandler can help ensure that all aspects of ship operation run smoothly.

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European Harbors

Locations we serve

We serve all Dutch and large European ports. Our people are local - but product quality, price, terms and conditions are uniform across the board.
Our employees work hard every day in going the extra mile to fulfill your supply needs. We work with the best partners to deliver your goods directly to your ship on time and at no extra charge.
Ship Supply Store is a one stop shop where you can buy everything you need before you set sail!

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